Complex trait simulation through the mechanistic modelling of genes interactions

MeSCoT software provides a framework to study molecular mechanisms of gene-by-gene and gene-by-environment interactions. MeSCoT closely imitates the basic in vivo mechanisms of complex trait realization and allows a detailed simulation of genes' regulatory interactions for variable genomic architectures.

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omnigenic Genetic Model

The underlying conceptual model used for MeSCoT simulation framemwork is an omnigenic model of quantitative trait. It states that complex formation of quantitative trait is due to direct genetic contributions from core genes and indirect contribution from peripheral genes. While core genes affect trait explicitely, peripheral genes contribute to trait only through trans-regulatory effects on core genes ...

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Mechanistic Approach

The mechanistic approach imitates the basic in vivo mechanisms of complex trait formation. All genes in a network are subject to explicite transcriptional regulation where production rate of mRNA is proportional to a binding probability of RNA polymerase II complex. The binding probability is mediated by other genes from the network and is modelled using statistical thermodynamic approach ...

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Genomic Architecture

MeSCoT always perform simulations for a specific genomic architecture. A geometry of a genomic architecture is deduced at the initial stage of simulation either from in vivo inferred genomic network or from in silico generated networks. Whereas in vivo network comes from an external source, a synthetic network geometry generated by MeSCoT using Bianconi-Rahmede model ...

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Verification of novel theories and statistical methods in quantitative genetics


G-by-G and G-by-E on individual and population levels


in silico generated gene expression and translation data; genomic networks; genotipic and phenotipic values


MATLAB code compiled to stand-alone executable which does not require MATLAB environment to run.


Designed to run on sysems with shared memory architecture using parallelization algorithms